Ing. Dalibor Fiala, Ph.D.
Conrop - Czech republic
Contact information
CONROP, s.r.o.
Hlučínská 93/7
747 23 Bolatice
Czech Republic
+420 553 751 359
+420 604 231 135
Production plant
CONROP s.r.o. - provoz Vítkov
Wolkerova 465
749 01 Vítkov
Česká republika
BID: 04368924
Tax ID: CZ04368924
Registered in the Commercial Register kept by the Regional Court at Ostrava, Section B, File No. 63389
Company index
Bank connection
UniCredit 2106813068/2700 for CZK
UniCredit 2106813076/2700 for EUR
Conrop - Slovak republic
Production plants
CONROP SK, s.r.o. - provoz Brezno
Brezenská 22
977 01 Brezno
CONROP SK s. r. o. - provoz Trebišov
Dopravná 4
075 01 Trebišov
BID: 36619353
Výpis z Obchodného registra Okresného súdu Banská Bystrica, Oddiel: Sro, Vložka číslo: 8488/S
Bank connection
UniCreditBank 1197007007/1111
Company management
Director of BR Industrial Textile Division

HR manager of the Textile Division

Finance Director

Sales Manager

Executive Director and Managing Director of CONROP SK, s.r.o.

Head of production in Trebisov

Product assortment - FIBCs, Sewing threads, Webbings
Sales - Czech Republic

Sales support - EN

Sales support - DE, AT, CH

Sales support - SK and RUS

Sales SK, HU

Assortment - Tarpaulins, military tarpaulins, and covers
Business development

Polypropylene fabrics

Other materials for FIBC

Quality Department
Commissioner for Quality

Quality Manager

Human Resources