Bags for chemical waste differ from bags for hydroxides primarily in the filling material. The most common design is made of cut fabric supplemented with foil. When processing or storing chemical waste at the filling point, bags are often antistatic or conductive. If bags need to be transported, UN bags are used according to the strict rules for transporting hazardous materials.
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Management of chemical waste
Chemical waste bag
Chemical waste bags are used when processing or storing chemical waste. The most common design is made of cut fabric supplemented with foil.

Conductive and antistatic bags
A special group of bags suitable for explosive environments or for transporting and storing potentially explosive materials. The bags are designed and tested according to the ČSN EN IEC 61340-4-4, ČSN EN 61340-2-3 standards.

Special bags, which are designed for transporting material in loose or solid state, allow transporting up to 2 tons of material, which are fixed under the helicopter.

UN bags
UN bags for the transport of dangerous goods are manufactured in accordance with the United Nations Recommendations on the Transportation of Dangerous Goods, commonly known as the Orange Book.