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According to the number of lifting devices, bags are divided into:

- four-point bags – four lifting devices, simultaneously used to lift the bag (A1, A2)

- two-point bags – two lifting devices, simultaneously used to lift the bag (B1, B2)

- single-point bags – one lifting device or several lifting devices connected in one place (C1, C2)

A1 (Adler - crosscorner)

Adler's loops

The name is derived from the Adler sewing machine on which the loops are sewn. The loops are not sewn into the seam, but onto the body of the bag. When sewing the hanging loops, a patch is placed on the loop to strengthen the bag, which ensures a higher strength of the bag. Alternatively, fabric with reinforced belts is used, on which loops are sewn without patches.

The disadvantage is the limitation of the carrying capacity of the bag (certificate for a maximum load of 1500 kg, 5:1 with sails, or 1000 kg, 6:1 without sails)

A1 (Adler - crosscorner) A1 (Adler - crosscorner)

A2 (Classic)

Classic sewing method.

The loops are sewn into the side seams of the bag. The resulting load capacity of the bag depends on how long the loops are sewn to the bag. The standard stitching of the loops is 7 cm from the top edge of the bag.

A2 (Classic) A2 (Classic)

B1 (Tunnel)

The suspension components are formed by two tunnels.

B1 (Tunnel) B1 (Tunnel)